Parlour Lane Roasters, Sydney AUSTRALIA
Australia is a proud nation of coffee snobs and it take a lot to make your mark in this country. In Sydney’s old State Theatre, the bespoke QT boutique hotel has set up its own little Rocky Horror Show, come vaudeville hotel and part of that is the Parlour Lane Roasters.
The greeter for the hotel is called the ‘Directors of Chaos’ and her role is to ensure that guests staying at the hotel and also coming to Parlour Lane Roasters, face anything but chaos. You have got to love the entire concept by QT.
The old State Theatre of Sydney was opened in 1929 and itself is an eccentric fusion of Gothic, Italian and Art deco design. The intention of the theatre was to be a ‘Palace of Dreams’, which it was and still is.
It seems only fitting that the annexed section of the historic Gowings building and the State Theatre building in Sydney have been so cleverly integrated. It retains the eccentricity and quirkiness that its original designer, Henry White, envisioned. – a barista who knows what he is doing and who is as friendly and as amiable as our greeter was. The bar stools are all made of women’s legs and sexy legs at that.
There are objets d’art in the stunningly outrageous interior, There is a gown made entirely of granny knickers, which is entirely appropriate to the decor. There were old window store wooden dummies converted to lamps, with fake fig leaves appropriately placed.
This is a best little coffee shop because it is a laid back as it is quirky.